We spent the night in Orlando the night before and headed to the airport that morning. Our flight was about an hour and a half late so there was a lot of anxious, "Is the plane here yet?" "When are we leaving?" Is the plane here yet?" "When are we leaving?" "Is that our plane?" "Is that our plane?" How about that one?? Surely THAT is our plane, right?"
Finally our plane arrived and we were off. Alannah and Zachary enjoyed the flight. Mandy fell asleep even before we had tucked the landing gear away for the flight.
The islands look beautiful from above with the emerald blue water and lush landscaping. We surprised the kids after we got our luggage with our ride to the hotel in this

They thought this was the coolest thing since the convertible! Zachary served us all water and soda...

They were all super anxious to get to water, and not the bottled knd that Zachary was serving up. I thought Alannah was going to climb out the window to get to the ocean.

And Mandy? Well, suffice it to say, I think she could get used to this kind of treatment.

The hotel is GI-FLIPIN-NORMOUS!We had a few bumps trying to get checked in. It was storming and nasty outside by that point so we headed off to find food and then grabbed a little bit of beach time before we headed back in.

The skies didn't cooperate for very long.

So, we had to call the game on account of rain and we headed indoors and checked out The Dig. This a a faux archaeological dig with "relics" taken from Atlantis. It is also one heckuva cool aquarium.

We were all wiped out after our huge day. So, we grabbed some dinner. Mandy and Zachary had a knock down, drag out, all out bar fight brawl over who pushed the elevator buttons. This was to become a reoccurring theme during our stay. The fact that there was no bloodshed as they elbowed their way to the buttons every single day amazes me. So, it was upstairs and off to bed to prepare for an exciting day 2.
Love to all~
It looks like you guys had so much fun! I love the picture of all 3 kids in front of the aquarium! We were there about 8 years ago - it was awesome!
What is it about elevator buttons? We spend so much energy deciding who will push the button next or consoling the sibling who didin't get to push the button when he/she was certain it was his/her turn.
I wonder at what age the button appeal disappears.
Tyra: 14.
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