About a month ago, Mandy was given the greatest gift in the world, friendship. True, unconditional, never failing friendship. My friend, Jane, had a poodle. A poodle that she loved and adored. A poodle that she believed in her heart was a dog that would be Mandy's best friend. I know she cried when she parted with her and decided to let Poodle come be Mandy's best friend. She knew then, what we know now. They are a perfect pair, a match made in heaven, two peas in a pod. We are forever grateful for this amazing gift she gave to Mandy about a month ago.
With that, I leave you with some pictures of Mandy and her best friend in the world, Poodle.
Whether they are snuggling on the couch,

going for a walk,
or having sweet dreams

They are always the best of friends. Thanks, Jane for the perfect gifts:friendship and love!

Love to all~
I am a friend of Cathy's, Electra's breeder. I KNOW what outstanding dogs Cathy breeds; mI have had Electraa's sister as a house guest and I have Electra's daughter as part of my family. They re fantabulous!!! I also know that Cathy has a very generous spirit and has helped me immensely with learning things bout the breed. This story is just so incredible and I am happy for all of you. I do not know Jane as well as I know Cathy, but, it has been obvious to me how much Jane loved Electra. She must consider you a very good friend to even think of this arrangement. If you would like to see pictures of Twinkle, Electra's sister visiting me last Easter or of Marilyn, Electra's daughter, then go to my real estate blog and you will see many posts about the Poos.
activerain.com/marinabroker Good luck to all of you. This story truly touches my heart.
I'm a friend of Gayle's (marinabroker). This is an incredible story and I wish Mandy all the best and good health. Dogs are truly man's (and little girls) best friends, and hopefully Electra will play an important role in Mandy's complete recovery.
I'm a friend of a friend and heard about Mandy and her best friend and the love they share.
I hope Mandy continues to get the love from electra to help her het through this very difficult time.
We doggies know how to give unconditional love and I will be crossing my paws for Mandy's full recovery too
smoochie kisses
Good luck Mandy and we are all pulling for you. I am a Standard Poodle owner and member of the "show community", hence I heard this story. Electra is lucky to have Mandy and be brave enough to be there when Mandy needs her most.
You can do it Mandy! Hang in there and keep fighting!!
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