The kids always love going through the decorations and talking about each one. My Grandma, cause she really is just the best, has given me a dated ornament every year of my life and now does the same for the kids. So, no traditional glass balls or color coordinated haute couture trees in our house. Every ornament has a meaning and a story and part of what makes our Christmas wonderful is retelling each and every one of those stories every year.
Amazingly neither this

or this

or even this

ended with a toppled tree or an ER trip. So decorations up + no injuries= holiday success!
Today was, of course, chemo day. Mandy made counts today, by the hair of her chinny chin chin. But, she made it. Her ANC has to be 750 to get chemo. Hers was 770. This has been a steady downhill slide for about the last month. Her platelets were still fine at 364 (oddly high, go figure). Hemoglobin was 9.6, which is lowish for her. She is showing signs of that with fatigue, pallor, irritability and complaining of being cold all the time. Chemo was a little rough this week on her tummy. Chemo next week is on Christmas Eve (YUCK!). That is, of course, assuming she makes counts. The other possible scenario is they may have to hold chemo and we may come home and be on lockdown due to low counts.
I'm just kind of in the yucky mommy place. It stinks she has chemo on Christmas Eve. It stinks she has chemo at all. It stinks she doesn't feel good and doesn't have energy. It just plain stinks.
Mandy's philosophy? Well, it is clearly stated by this sign on her door.

Love to all~
You Floridians and your painfully fake trees. Can't you use a palm tree, or something?
Yeah, that sucks. All that. :-( You're the best Mommy and you CERTAINLY don't need permission to ROCK! Lovin' you from the other coast.
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